New Dew Flavors

As I've stated multiple times here on MattChat, I love Diet Mountain Dew.  It is the main source of caffeine that keeps me running through each 17-hour day.

In general, the only Dew that's readily available in a diet version is the delicious original flavor.  (There is a diet version of Baja Blast at Taco Bell.  And I have seen Diet Code Red before, but not in quite some time.)

For the drinkers of the hard stuff (fructose and/or corn syrup laden), there seems to be a new Dew flavor being released every freakin' month!  Here are 15+ that have been released in the last 4-5 years:

Major Melon*
Goji Citrus Strawberry*
Baja Mango Gem
Baja Gold
Berry Monsoon
Sweet Lightning*
Maui Burst
Frost Bite
Atomic Blue
Southern Shock
Thrashed Apple*
Dark Berry Bash
Purple Thunder*

Look at that list!  Unbelievable, right??  It's like a craft brewery that comes up with new brew on tap every couple weeks.

I know for sure that I've tried the 5 marked with the "*".  (Maybe more, but they weren't memorable.)  Sweet Lightning and Purple Thunder are by far the best of those 5.

I think there was a Halloween-y Boo Brew or something like that at some point, too.

Maybe a kind soul at PepsiCo will see this post and send me a case of the ones I haven't tried.  I'd be happy to taste-test.  Fingers crossed.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
