New Words 15

Came across some more "new" words & phrases.

This is set #15 of these that I've posted here on MattChat.

As with previous posts, these are not necessarily "brand new"...... just new to me:  words that I've come across recently which I do not recall hearing before.

quiet quitting:

doing what you’ve signed up for in your job, but not more;  refusing to go above and beyond – working extra hours, taking on more work – without being adequately compensated for it


the state or quality of having the left side or its parts or members different from and, usually, more efficient than the right side or its parts or members; left-handedness


someone who is enthusiastic about bell-ringing


adjective to describe a manager who has serious reservations about his team members being on a remote/hybrid/work-from-home arrangement

spiral lock:

a particularly intricate method of letterlocking, which is the practice of securing of a letter without an envelope, by folding and cutting so that portions of the paper can be interlocked

golden blood:

the nickname for Rh-null, the world’s rarest blood type

lawn bubble (AKA grass blister):

a balloon of water that forms beneath the surface of the grass


an informal term for a case in which a person is simultaneously infected with both the flu and the COVID-19 virus

Maybe you, too, learned a new word or two?

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
