Pig War


You ever heard of it?  I sure had not -- until a few weeks back when Pastor Pat told the story to us as part of his message.

‘The Pig War’ is perhaps one of the most obscure and unusual wars in history.

On June 15, 1859, a pig belonging to the British accidentally wandered onto the land of Lyman Cutlar, an American farmer. When Cutlar noticed the pig eating some of his potatoes he was incensed, and in a fit of rage shot and killed the pig.

<<<skipping ahead a little bit>>>

Upon hearing of this news, the governor of British Columbia decided to send three British warships to the area as a show of force. During the following month there was a stand off, with both sides slowly increasing their military presence in the area and with the US 9th infantry refusing to budge, even thought they were massively outnumbered.

Crazy stuff by crazy folks.

Decent summary of the full thing:

And multiple books have been written about it too.  See a few below.

So much needless drama.  All because of 1 shot pig.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
