370 New Dictionary Words

Common knowledge: every year, new words are added to the dictionary.

(I would think there are also words removed from the dictionary each year, but "retired words" doesn't get the press like "new words" does.)

Anyway...... for 2022, Merriam Webster is adding 370 words/definitions to their dictionary.  Some make perfect sense...... some are absolutely silly.

An assortment of them -- 


pumpkin spice : a mixture of usually cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, and often allspice that is commonly used in pumpkin pie

dumbphone : a cell phone that does not include advanced software features (such as email or an internet browser) typically found on smartphones

supply chain : the chain of processes, businesses, etc. by which a commodity is produced and distributed : the companies, materials, and systems involved in manufacturing and delivering goods

dawn chorus : the singing of wild birds that closely precedes and follows sunrise especially in spring and summer

magnet fishing : the sport or hobby of using a strong magnet attached to the end of a rope to find metal objects in bodies of water

mud season : a time of year (such as early spring) that is characterized by excessively muddy ground

yeet interjection, slang — used to express surprise, approval, or excited enthusiasm yeet verb : to throw especially with force and without regard for the thing being thrown

janky informal : of very poor quality : JUNKY; also : not functioning properly or adequately : FAULTY

adorkable informal : socially awkward or quirky in a way that is endearing

MacGyver slang : to make, form, or repair (something) with what is conveniently on hand

baller informal : excellent, exciting, or extraordinary especially in a way that is suggestive of a lavish lifestyle

cringe slang : so embarrassing, awkward, etc. as to cause one to cringe : CRINGEWORTHY

shrinkflation : the practice of reducing a product's amount or volume per unit while continuing to offer it at the same price

unbanked : not having money deposited in a bank; also : not deposited in a bank

side hustle : work performed for income supplementary to one's primary job

false negative : a person or test result that is incorrectly classified as negative (as for the presence of a health condition) because of imperfect testing methods or procedures

false positive : a person or test result that is incorrectly classified as positive (as for the presence of a health condition) because of imperfect testing methods or procedures

Galentine’s Day : a holiday observed on February 13th as a time to celebrate friendships especially among women

level up : to advance or improve (oneself, someone else, or something) in or as if in a game

oat milk : a liquid made from ground oats and water that is usually fortified (as with calcium and vitamins) and used as a milk substitute

plant-based 1 : made or derived from plants 2 : consisting primarily or entirely of food (such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, oils, and beans) derived from plants


And the 2021 list as well:

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
