6 Volcanoes

Yikes!  This article sure presents some very concerning information.

6 Volcanoes That Could Shut Down the World

This one sounds terrifying.........

Cumbre Vieja (La Palma, Canary Islands)
Last eruption:

Effects of a major eruption: In 2001, U.S. and British scientists warned that a major eruption of Cumbre Vieja could cause the entire western flank of the volcano to fall into the sea, creating a "mega-tsunami" in the Atlantic. Traveling at 500 miles per hour, it would wipe out Florida, coastal Brazil, and parts of Europe with waves up to 160-feet high. 

Likelihood: The scientists say the "year to year probability" of a major eruption is low, but preparations should be taken anyway given the potentially cataclysmic damages.

160 foot waves in Florida...... uggggh!

Definitely the nasty side of nature.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
