Shawshank Continuity

I am not a person who watches a movie more than once. There are a few exceptions, but in general, I am a "one and done" kinda guy.

The Shawshank Redemption is one of those I'll happily watch over and over. Just as with any film, I am well aware that there are errors that snuck past all the editors and made it to the final cut.

There are at least 2 sites where "someones" have documented all the issues/errors that have been spotted.

2 of my favorites:

**When Andy smashed open the pipe with a rock, a lot of sewage spurts out of the hole like the pipe is completely full and pressurized, but when he actually gets inside, there is only a little stream of sewage in there. It doesn’t really make sense that the events of the previous scene even happened.

**The poster in Andy's cell is apparently fastened securely following his escape, as evidenced when the warden throws a rock through it. Unless Andy had an accomplice (and there is no indication that he did) the poster could not have been been securely placed back over the hole while he was inside the tunnel.

These flubs aren't gonna keep me from liking Shawshank any less. Just kinda motivates me to look for flubs in other peoples' favorite flicks.

Grace and Peace and Love to you all -
