New Words 22

Came across some more "new" words & phrases.

This is set #22 of these that I've posted here on MattChat.

As with previous posts, these are not necessarily "brand new"...... just new to me:  words that I've come across recently which I do not recall hearing before.

(I sure hope that one of the words below wasn't included on an earlier "New Words" post...... 'cause that forgetfulness would make me look just a tad bit OLD)

cow killer (velvet ant): an ant-like wasp with a thick, fur-like coating of hair, often red, orange or gold; folklore states the powerful sting can kill a cow

Adipocere: a waxy substance consisting chiefly of fatty acids and calcium soaps that is formed during decomposition of dead body fat in moist or wet anaerobic conditions

mansplain: to explain something to a woman in a condescending way that assumes she has no knowledge about the topic

IoT refrigerator (Internet of Things): AKA smart fridge; features internet connectivity and sensors that detect changes in temperature, humidity, and even the amount of food inside;  this information can then be accessed via a smartphone app

quaaludes: a synthetic, barbiturate-like, central nervous system depressant and a popular recreational drug in the U.S. from the 1960s until the 1980s

googol: the figure 1 followed by 100 zeroes (i.e. 10 to the 100th power)

sporting pox:  AKA "The Pox";  syphilis 

hamate: a wedge-shaped bone with a hook-like process that can be found in the medial side of the wrist

choking a stump: riverboat tied to a tree along the bank of a river

fish storm: slang for a tropical cyclone that does not threaten any land areas, instead only bothering the fish in the ocean

And there you go...... 10 new ones you can use in your everyday conversations.  Maybe?

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
