Giving Platelets

We are blessed to be a blessing.

I am a regular donor of platelets.  Started this in mid-2022 and have now given almost 40 times.

My prayer for each donation:

God: thank you for the blessing of good health and healthy blood.  And thank you for a platelet count that allows me to donate every few weeks.

I have no idea who is going to end-up with my donated platelets.  But you do!

It might be a man or a woman, a kid or an adult.

It might be a cancer or leukemia patient.

It might be a burn victim.

It might be an organ transplant or bone marrow recipient. 

It might be someone undergoing a very serious procedure, such as open-heart surgery.

Someone out there needs platelets.  And I've got healthy extras to spare.

I thank you for the opportunity to give and for the phlebotomist who has worked to draw them from me.

I pray for these bags.  I pray for safe handling between here and whereever they will end-up.  I pray for all those who will be handling, testing & delivering them.  I pray for those who will be administering them.  And I pray for the person that will be receiving them.

May they be a blessing to another family.

I will continue to give platelets as long as I am able.  Once that time ends, I will switch back to donating whole blood.  It's a small gesture that I can make to positively impact someone else.

We are blessed to be a blessing.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
