20000 Dollars

Totally missed this news a few months back:

February 24, 2024--

This morning, Dollar General Corporation (NYSE: DG) celebrated the grand opening of its 20,000th store at its DG Market location in Alice, Texas, marking its continued commitment to providing communities with convenient and affordable access to household essentials and nutritious foods.


Dang, that is a lot of them!  Spreading like wildfire!

I am not kidding here:  we have twenty (20!!!) of them within a 30-minute drive of our house!  Even with the high cost of transportation and labor, there clearly is $$$ being made from these "Wal-Marts of Small-Town America" (my term for them).  Otherwise, they wouldn't be reproducing so quickly!

Sounds like the first one was in Springfield, Kentucky -- which interestingly enough is the home of Abe Lincoln's parents.  And NFL quarterback Phil Simms, too!  Wonder which thing the Springfieldites are most proud of?

Am I a DG fan?  Marginally.  They do a lot of good for small towns, both in filling critical food needs and in employment, as well as sales taxes.  Some of them sell gasoline too!  And I wonder how long till they push to sell alcohol (non-rubbing, that is).  Maybe some already do?

Most common positive I hear about Dollar Generals: convenience

Most common negative I hear about Dollar Generals: messy

(with disorganized and cluttered rounding out the top 3)

How about you?  On a scale of 1-10, what's your opinion of the DG Empire?  

Side note:  I'm pretty sure at least one of them is covertly placed smack on top of a nuclear silo.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -


* it was July 2018 that store 15,000 was opened:
