Confederate Schools

Ridiculous news of the week:

School board members in Virginia’s Shenandoah County voted early Friday to restore the names of two schools that previously honored Confederate leaders – nearly four years after a decision was made to change them.

The 5-1 vote the school board decided to reinstate the names Stonewall Jackson High School and Ashby Lee Elementary School. The names honor Confederate Gens. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson, Robert E. Lee and Turner Ashby.


What an ill-advised decision by these 5 board members.

Lee: traitor; fought for hate.

Jackson: traitor; fought for hate.

Ashby: traitor; fought for hate.

What in the freakin' world did they do to be recognized as the name of a school?

Who in their right mind would restore any type of reward/recognition to hateful traitors?

Let's make it clear to the current generation as well as future generations:  there is no glamour in hate.

If you do not love your fellow man, you are a jerk.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -


p.s. remember this from 2017?  Lee and Jackson: GONE!