LGBT Expands Again

From what I've found online, the widespread use of "LGBT" began sometime around 1988.

And, in the USA, the first LGBT History Month was recognized in 1994.

Since that time, the acronym has grown from 4 letters to now 12 letters/numbers.


What's it mean?

lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, queer, intersex, pansexual, two-spirit (2S), androgynous and asexual

Further definitions:

Androgynous: individuals whose outward gender expression cannot be distinguished as feminine or masculine, or combine traits that are considered masculine and feminine. It is sometimes a term related to gender identity.

Asexual: A person who generally does not experience sexual attraction (or very little) to any group of people. May still have romantic, emotional, affectionate, or relational attractions towards others.

Intersex: A medical definition for a person born with chromosomes, genitalia, and/or secondary sexual characteristics that are inconsistent with the biological understanding of a male or female body. 

Pansexual: A person who experiences sexual, romantic, physical, and/or spiritual attraction to others regardless of gender identities/expressions or biological property.

Queer: Term describing people who have a non-normative gender identity, sexual orientation, or sexual anatomy -- can include lesbians, gay men, bisexual people, transgender people, and a host of other identities.

Questioning: The process of exploring one’s own sexual orientation and/or gender identity.

Two-Spirit: Contemporary term chosen by Native American/Indigenous people who identify with a third gender, implying a masculine and a feminine spirit in one body. 

Remember:  a person is a person;  everyone deserves not your judgment but your grace, mercy and kindness.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
