New Words 23

Came across some more "new" words & phrases.

This is set #23 of these that I've posted here on MattChat.

As with previous posts, these are not necessarily "brand new"...... just new to me:  words that I've come across recently which I do not recall hearing before.

(I sure hope that one of the words below wasn't included on an earlier "New Words" post...... 'cause that forgetfulness would make me look just a tad bit OLD)

snout snuggy:  see picture above;  no further definition required

melonheads: a group of fans of the Los Angeles Rams that attend games with a carved-out watermelon placed on their head

lipstick effect: a retail and economic theory that suggests cash-strapped consumers are more likely to purchase affordable luxury brand lipsticks, makeup products, and other affordable luxury goods during an economic downturn

agrivoltaics: agricultural production, such as crop or livestock production or pollinator habitats, underneath solar panels or adjacent to solar panels

lot lizard: a prostitute who solicits truck drivers at truck stops

originalism: a theory of the interpretation of legal texts, including the text of the Constitution;  followers of this methodology believe that the constitutional text ought to be given the original public meaning that it would have had at the time that it became law

bombogenesis: rapid intensification of a storm caused by a sudden and significant drop in atmospheric pressure

Eschatology: a branch of theology concerned with the final events in the history of the world or of humankind

bobcat fever (AKA cytauxzoonosis): an acute, life-threatening disease in cats caused by the hematoprotozoan parasite Cytauxzoon felis

Corinthian girl: a woman with loose morals; prostitute  

And there you go...... 10 new ones you can use in your everyday conversations.  Maybe?

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
