New Words 24

Came across some more "new" words & phrases.

This is set #24 of these that I've posted here on MattChat.

As with previous posts, these are not necessarily "brand new"...... just new to me:  words that I've come across recently which I do not recall hearing before.

(I sure hope that one of the words below wasn't included on an earlier "New Words" post...... 'cause that forgetfulness would make me look just a tad bit OLD)

gravestone recipe: as a tribute/memorial, the recipe of a food item for which the decedent was well-known is engraved on his/her tombstone

Equilux: day and night are each 12 hours;  in other words, sunrise & sunset are exactly 12 hours apart (i.e. 7:02am and 7:02pm)

scorigami: a final score that has never occurred before in the history of the NFL

climate compensation: an environmental stewardship philosophy based on the premise that businesses, organizations, and citizens make a voluntary economic contribution to initiatives that capture greenhouse gasses at a level equal to the emissions they create

jassid (AKA jasside): one of many numerous slender, sap-sucking homopterous insects of the family Cicadellidae that leap from leaf to leaf, sometimes spreading plant diseases

chapbook: a type of small printed booklet that was popular medium for street literature throughout early modern Europe

five hole: in hockey, the space between the goalie's legs

Capitol Stones: located in Washington DC's Rock Creek Park;  large pile of abandoned sandstone & marble blocks from the 1958 renovation of the U.S. Capitol

jitney: a small bus or car, often traveling a regular route, that carries passengers for a low fare

joystick: marijuana cigarette

And there you go...... 10 new ones you can use in your everyday conversations.  Maybe?

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
