Working 32 Hours

You hear the recent initiative coming from the mind/desk of Bernie Sanders? 

WASHINGTON, March 13 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) today announced that this Thursday he will introduce legislation to establish a standard 32-hour workweek in America with no loss in pay – an important step toward ensuring that workers share in the massive increase in productivity driven by artificial intelligence, automation, and new technology.

Here's the full press release:

So...... 8 fewer hours in the workweek, meaning overtime would kick-in after 32, rather than after 40?

And...... "no loss in pay".  So, a salaried, non-exempt worker currently making $48,000 + overtime for 40 hours of work (approx. $24 per hour) would keep the same salary but work 20% fewer hours?  By my calculations, that would result in a pay increase of $6 per hour.


So the business owner either needs to shut the doors on the 5th day - or hire more staff to cover the 8 hours - or pay overtime to have the 32-hour employee work an additional 8 (if that would even be allowed).


Apparently, this is not a new topic -- Bernie is just looking to introduce something here that already exists elsewhere.

This is a decent overview:

Reviews are definitely mixed.

This is without question an area that the government needs to stay out of.  Let the economy, business climate, small business owners, etc. decide how staffing works best.

Employment regulations are already so restrictive on job growth -- NO MORE!!

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -


p.s. could not resist sharing this one: