10 for Vice Prez

Who will Donnie T. pick as his running mate?

Personal opinion:  steer away from a white guy.

The election is going to be too close to have WM/WM running against WM/BF.

NPR published an updated projection last week:

The Veepstakes is on. Here are 10 Republicans Trump could pick to be his running mate

The list (alphabetical order):

Wow, Sarah Sanders made their list!

(not on the list: Blackburn, Carson, Carlson, Gabbard, Lee)

Pros and Cons for each of the 10 is presented at that link above.

The most sensible Pro:

She’s one of the party’s strongest leaders, she has the messaging that the party needs, and, not to mention, she’s a millennial and a woman. Republicans are in dire need of that kind of leadership — especially when it comes to abortion and bringing younger voters into the fold.

And the funniest Con:  They made harsh jabs at each other on the campaign trail, which included Trump calling Haley a “birdbrain.”

As far as oddsmakers?  Latest projection I saw:

I'm not a fan of Doug, J.D. or Marco.  All 3 have that icky politician smile and a pretty good ego to go along with it.

I really like Tim Scott.  For those who would never vote for Trump or Biden due to "the age thing"*, he seems like an excellent alternative to be 1 heartbeat away from the Presidency.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -


*any candidate who will turn 80 during his/her Presidency should be barred from running, no matter what cognitive tests say;  80 is well-past the time to be the leader of our great nation.