Fav Lyrics 2

I'm gonna start making a periodic post containing the lyrics of a song that mean something very special to me.

Am I gonna explain that "very special" something?  Heck no..... whattaya think this is?  :)

The song below ranks as one of my tip-top favorites of all-time, primarily for sentimental reasons.  If the lyrics intrigue you, I'd encourage you to head out to YouTube and listen to them arranged to music.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -


MY FATHER'S CHAIR by David Meece

Sometimes at night I′d lie awake

Longing inside for my father's embrace

Sometimes at night I′d wander downstairs

And pray he'd returned, but no one was there.

Oh, how I'd cry, a child all alone

Waiting for him to come home.

My father′s chair, sat in an empty room

My father′s chair, covered with sheets of gloom

My father's chair through all the years

And all the tears I cried in vain

No one was there in my father′s chair.

Sometimes at night I sit all alone

Drifting asleep in a chair of my own

When sweet sleepy eyes peer down from the hall

Frightened by dreams they cannot recall

I hold them close, calming their fears

My father's chair sits in a loving room

My father′s chair, no matter what I do

My father's chair, through all the years

And all the tears I need not fear

Love′s always there in my father's chair.

Sometimes at night I dream of a throne

Of my loving God, calling me home

And as I appear, He rises and smiles

And reaches with love to welcome His child

Never to cry, never to fear

In His arms, safe and secure.

My Father's chair sits in a royal room

My Father′s chair holds glory beyond the tomb

My Father′s chair, my God is there

And I am His eternal heir

Someday I'll share my Father′s chair.