Plastic Testicles

OK, folks.  

Hang tight on this one........

Tiny plastic shards found in human testicles, study says

Ummmmm, alright.

Quite the inquisitive little scientist (Matthew Campen) who decided to take this one on.

The new study tested 23 preserved testes from cadavers who were ages 16 to 88 at the time of their death, then compared the levels of 12 different types of plastics in those testicles with plastics found in 47 dog testes.

“The levels of microplastic shards and types of plastics in human testes were three times greater than those found in dogs, and the dogs are eating off the floor. So it really puts in perspective of what we’re putting in our own bodies.”

Granted, it's a small sample (23 human & 47 canine), but I do agree the findings are odd.

What's also odd?  23 and 47 are both non-even numbers.  When "things" come in pairs, how does that happen?

Maybe the cadavers were pieced-out for multiple scientific research?

Minuscule particles can invade individual cells and tissues in major organs, experts say, interrupting cellular processes and potentially depositing (a bunch of nasty chemicals).

(These chemicals) interfere with the human reproductive system, leading to genital and reproductive malformations as well as female infertility and a decline in sperm count, according to the Endocrine Society.

Is it possible these microplastics are coming from drinking water?  Or plastic silverware?  Or toothpaste?  Or gumballs?  

Guess we'll need to wait on science to reveal that news to us at some point down the line.

Read more about the study at the link above (summary) or more detail here:

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -


p.s. I recommend you do not enter "plastic testicle" in your Google search