Define Business Casual

"Business Casual": what is it, what is it not?

Ask 100 people and you'll likely get 100 differing responses.

Where do you draw your line?

Faded jeans
Tattered jeans
Tight pants / Leggings
Polo shirt
Untucked polo shirt
Non-collared shirt (i.e. "dressy" t-shirt)
Crew-neck sweatshirt
Tennis shoes
Dirty tennis shoes
Sandals (dressy)
Flip-flops / Crocs

Since COVID, it is absolutely wild what managers are allowing in the office.

Not that it matters, right?  Just get your job done.

Thus far, I've not seen any jammies or sweats.  Thank goodness.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -


p.s. my biggest pet peeve from the list above:  untucked.