Unisex Babies

Even with my love of trivia, fun facts and (sometimes worthless) statistics, I'd never thought of looking into this:


So, what exactly is a unisex (AKA gender-neutral) name?

It is amazing how clear-cut most names are: 91% of names are either 99% male or 99% female.

We consider any name with less than 95% of one gender to be gender-neutral. Even with such a narrow definition, only 6% of names are considered gender-neutral.


Growing-up in small-town America, there was a Frances, a Shirley, a Riley, and 3 Terry's.  All 6 male.

And a Leslie, a Robin, and an Angel.  All female.

Plus, a couple Jamie's -- one male & one female.

So, this was an interesting find:


And for just 2023 (including prediction for 2024):

My first thought when looking at this:  Dylan and Carter are that high on the list????

My family (going back 3 generations) has stuck with "traditional" gender-specific names.  None of those on the 2 lists above are represented on the recent branches of our family tree.

I had to scroll all the way down to #42 to find an entry relevant to our family:  Stacey (my cousin).

3 names that will never make the list:  Tex, Rex, Lex. 🙂

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
