Millikin Finances

This was a troubling/scary website to come across:

Financial Solvency Alert: Midwestern Colleges in Danger of Closing

And especially troubling for Decatur and Macon County as MILLIKIN UNIVERSITY hit the list.

Not the most critical category, but still serious enough to meet the criteria.

The Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis Advising Director, Teresa Steinkamp, has issued an important alert regarding several colleges that are in significant danger of closing their doors. This advice is especially relevant to first-time freshmen who have completed the FAFSA and need financial aid for the upcoming school year.

Other than Millikin, there are 38 others on the list including Bradley, Drake, Rose-Hulman and Marquette.

Those are some big names!
Not good.  Just not enough money/students to go around.

And remember that the status of funding in many states (especially Illinois) for state-run public institutions is in very poor shape.

Here's a site that tracks closures/consolidations of colleges and universities:

How many schools will be added before we hit the end of '24?

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
