Now Compared to 2020
Do you and your family feel safer than in 2020?
How about your economic situation? Are you better off than you were in 2020?
How about your family members? And your friends? How are they doing financially?
And our country's Constitution...... do you feel it's less respected/valued now than it was in 2020?
These are all important questions.
Important questions for an important election coming up in early November.
Don't vote for someone simply because he is an R..... or because she is a D.
Don't vote for someone simply because your union told you to.
Don't vote for someone simply because you hate the other option.
President of the United States is too important of a role to be elected by a herd of uneducated sheep.
Don't be a sheep.
Be an educated voter.
Do what's best for the future.
Grace & Peace & Love to you all -