16 Bugs in Singapore

Oh boy...... yummy!

From locusts to superworms to honey bees, Singapore has approved 16 species of insects for human consumption.


Here's the full list of 16:

The worms/grubs categories are the ones that really churn my stomach.  

And the category that concerns me from an environmental and sustainability standpoint:  BEES.

Why are we eating bees?  Bees feed humans.

Without bees, there is no pollination.
Without pollination, there is reduced food production.
Reduced food production on a planet with a growing number of mouths to feed is not a smart idea.

#EatMoreBeetles  #EatMoreCrickets

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -


P.S. previous MattChat post on the importance of bees:

P.P.S. Central Illinois is getting a plant that will manufacture animal feed from fly larvae: