Entitled America 2

There are many nasty words that really turn my stomach.  5 of the biggest ones:

And this disgusting one, which -- like the others above -- continues to permeate our society and keeps us from being the best that we can be:

As we've passed thru the 21 years of the 2000's, "entitlement" has become more and more and more of an issue.  And has led to more and more and more societal problems.

Laziness / sloth.




National debt.

And worst of all:

Governmental dependence.

This little ditty sums things up well:

"University of Chicago economist Casey Mulligan and I recently published a study sponsored by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity. Thanks to Biden's new welfare state expansions, families can get up to $100,000 in government benefits (tax-free) without anyone working a single hour all year!

The government will feed you, pay your rent, educate you, take care of your children and your grandparents, pay for your college and day care, pay you if you aren't working, and pay for your healthcare and your toothbrush, your internet service, and soon free iPhones (that should be an entitlement, shouldn't it?).

The real mystery about this new cradle to grave entitlement state is why people still bother to work at all."

(Stephen Moore)

Uggggggh.  What a mess.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -


p.s. some additional thoughts of mine on entitlement: