Parking Donations

Quite some time ago (2013), I detailed some of my pet peeves in this MattChat post:

I'll add another one to the list:  donation boxes placed in parking lots.

The box itself isn't necessarily the pet peeve, although it's frustrating that many boxes are not charity -- but rather, for-profit businesses that sell clothes to Africa or shred them for mattress filler.

My pet peeve?  This:

Idiots who use the box as a lame excuse to get rid of furniture.  Some of it not even useable.

That which is useable becomes unusable when pooped on or soaked by rain.

If the box says BOOKS, that's all it takes.

If the box says CLOTHING AND SHOES, that's all it takes.

Just another example of selfish, self-centered morons pushing their problem onto someone else.


Grace & Peace & Love to you all -


P.S. Don't get me started on those who throw tires and trash in the ditches of rural roads.