
Picture 7/31: Smack that Fish

Picture 7/30: Dead Toaster

In the Garden Again

Picture 7/29: No Longer Decatur

Swimming in Poop

Picture 7/28: Gloves from Papa

Cities Being Ditched

Picture 7/27: 14 Shoes

Increased Pay - for What?

Picture 7/26: Your Story Hour

Amor Conquista Todo

Picture 7/25: 3912

Picture 7/24: Black Eyed Susan

Thump on Trump

Picture 7/23: MMWW Trophy

EIU Cuts Cut Deep

Picture 7/22: Naked Sun Singer

Toxic Behaviors

Picture 7/21: So Long Speakers

Hacking a Jeep

Picture 7/20: First Sunflower

American Woes

Picture 7/19: Tornado Shed

Picture 7/18: Kansas Centennial

Illinois in Abyss

Picture 7/17: Furnaceless

Iran Deal Sucks

Picture 7/16: Welcome Home

We Have a State Veggie

Picture 7/15: Banded at DMH

Picture 7/14: Hands of Mort

Dreaming of Tootsie

Picture 7/13: Start of the Keychains

Small Town of Big Things

Picture 7/12: High Flying